WZD#19 – Where Can I Contribute?

War Zone Diary#19 – Where and how can I help?

If you’ve followed me on Twitter, Insta, Face Book, etc, you know I am all about larger, global organizations that support all things Ukraine. I have a list of several of these, but also, directly below, I have listed some more local organizations. I rarely feel that my money will go to the people on the ground, but I have made a short list of several very real organizations who are doing AMAZING work on a minute-by-minute basis.

So here are a few ways you can help, PLEASE don’t just stop at the top, scroll down a piece, you will find all of them are doing God’s work and performing everyday miracles.

1). Help the doggies. No, really, you can help dogs displaced by war.
Their PayPal:  [email protected]
Igor Tracz, the famous Polish mountain biker, has created a team of volunteers to rescue dogs and people (kind of in that order) from Ukraine. There are a lot of organizations rescuing people. I’ve come across none that have made room for dogs. Or any other pets for that matter. Igor and Andrzej, however, have done just that.










2). Two Brave Ladies from Kharkiv:
Olga & Małgorzata are two ladies who work for a Ukrainian roofing company and just had to help!
Here is their PayPal: [email protected] with a note “Roofer’s Help Ukraine”
They company got shelled, but they saved the trucks. Now they drive every day to take supplies to refugees, citizens and 40 (yes, 40!) single, teen mothers and their babies hiding in a shelter in a monastery. The roads are shelled, the city of Kharkiv is a virtual graveyard, but they KEEP ON GOING! WOW! What courage.

3). Dalius Drumsta and his burger truck from Lithuania. Sounds simple, but these guys are feeding a TON of refugees. At their peak about 450-550 a day. Dalius owns a chain of burger joints in Lithuania and decided he had to do something. He drove two of his trucks in and has been catering food for three-weeks. His restaurant employees each get paid their salary to come to the border and cook and serve food. It’s costing him a bundle, all personally financed from the profits from his business.
His PayPal is here: https://www.paypal.me/DaliusDrumsta














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