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RED METAL hits the USA TODAY Bestseller’s List

Flew in to D.C. to meet with
Extremely pleased for his solid support to Ripley’s Heroes and to accept his $15,000 donation, which we will put to immediate use. He remains dedicated to helping the people of #Ukraine and to halting the illegal Russian invasion.

I was the USMC Nuclear Officer in the Pentagon… what an eye opening duty.
Anyhow, read about my analysis of Russian Nukes here.
Follow Illia Ponomarenko for what I’d consider REAL news.
Spring in general is a good season for hope and add Easter and people coming out of their winter shells and you have something besides the doom and gloom of putin’s missiles and attack to look forward to.
They suck.
Russia sucks.
Stratfor Podcast
An interview with Mark Greaney (author of the Gray Man series of thrillers) and Lt. Col. H. Ripley Rawlings IV. Together they have written a gripping and realistic action thriller in which World War III emerges as a conflict between the West and Russia.
In this novel, Russia creates a three-pronged front – testing the US military capabilities – in a gamble to lay claim to a rare mineral mine that will give Russia primacy over the entire world’s technology.
Combining geopolitics, cover-to-cover action that include battles in the air, on land and sea, with great camaraderie among a small and desperate team, Stratfor’s Fred Burton says he was hooked to the last page.
STRATFOR Podcast Interview of Mark Greaney and Rip Rawlings
Red Carpet Crash interview of RED METAL
Thanks for the great discussion.
The American Veteran Show Interview of Red Metal
Great interview on the Steffan Tubbs show:
Hey All,
This is still being solidified, but excited to get on the road and see you and hear what you liked about our novel RED METAL!
Check back here regularly for updates and changes:
July 16
Poisoned Pen
Scottsdale, AZ
July 17
Tattered Cover
Aspen Grove Littleton, CO
July 18
Pittsboro, NC
July 19
One More Page
Arlington, VA
July 20
Novel, a bookstore
Memphis, TN
01 May, 2019
Wow! Thanks so much to the Kirkus reviewers!
Russia launches war in Europe and Africa in this military thriller reminiscent of the late Tom Clancy.
A small group of Chinese communist special forces sneaks into Taiwan to assassinate a politician and provoke a war. This attracts intense U.S. attention—perfect timing for Russia to launch Operation Red Metal and “retain its proper place in the world.” The Russians’ ultimate goal is to keep control of a rare-earth mine in Kenya, for which they need to wield “a scalpel through the heart of Europe” to destroy AFRICOM, the U.S. Africa Command headquartered in Germany. They kill Western satellites to take out GPS and make Europe deaf, mute, and blind. On Christmas Day, Russian trains disguised as civilian transport deliver offensive forces into Europe, unloading troops and tanks. They also attack in Kenya, where battles rage. NATO hasn’t detected this military buildup and is taken completely by surprise. A Russian general opines that the U.S. can’t fight a conventional force anymore, embroiled as it’s been in Afghanistan. Ha! Tell it to the Marines, like Lt. Col. Dan Connolly, who knows “this world’s a damn dangerous place” and figures out what the enemy is up to. The war lasts about a week, plenty of time for intense battle scenes and the distinct possibility of tactical nukes. Having produced well over 600 pages, Greaney and Rawlings, his Marine co-author, had a bout of logorrhea, but the collaboration has yielded plenty of realism. There are some good lines, as when an A-10 pilot strafes the ground while screaming “Die, Commie, die!” (He apparently didn’t get the memo about the USSR.) But the best line: “And as long as we get to pop a bunch of those Russkies, death ain’t but a thing.” Readers will be humming “The Marines’ Hymn” after finishing this paean to the U.S. Marines. Hoorah!
As with all of Greaney’s work, this is a fun read. If only all our wars were fiction.
You heard that right! Red Metal the action packed thriller novel by NYT bestseller Mark Greaney and co-authored by LtCol Rip Rawlings (USMC) will release on 16 July, 2019. Reserve a copy now!
08 March 2019
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Red Metal will be published July 16, 2019!