The KILL BOX pre-sales are happening now!!!

The KILL BOX pre-sale happening now!!

Welcome to a new year in the Tyce Asher series! A few things you will be interested in…#1 The second book in my Tyce Asher series, THE KILL BOX, is now available for pre-order at your favorite retailer (I checked them all and a few are already running discounts!)

#2 How about some free swag? We’re announcing another pre-order give-away. You can win awesome caps, coins, shemaghs (combat scarves), color battle maps, and exclusive, limited edition artwork of the main characters (including Trigger, the loyal military working dog). To get your free gift and automatically enter to win the monthly grand prize giveaways, be sure to register using your pre-order confirmation code HERE

#3 Follow the links below to pre-buy, or click the pic above and below.

Excerpt from THE KILL BOX,
A Tyce Asher Novel, Book 2
Pre-order before it hits stores September 28, 2021!
          “Ghost breath, the exhalations from a panting boy and his father, joined a morning mist swirling head-high in the cool spring air. The early-rising farmer and his son led a team of horses up from watering them at a creek and went about hitching them to a wagon’s harness. The sound of vehicle engines caught their attention. They dropped the tackle, looked up from their labors, and froze. A string of headlights was visible across the valley, making miniature halos in the fog. The farmers stood motionless and stared as the lights approached.
Any vehicles were reason enough to be cautious. The boy and the farmer could now see that the headlights were some kind of convoy, and they didn’t stick around to find out whose. They ran toward their darkened homestead, leaving the horses behind.
As the farmers ran, they didn’t realize the real trouble had actually been hidden right under their noses all morning—even before they had woken up that day. An as-yet-unseen danger that lurked only thirty yards away from where they’d stood. Another set of eyes watched the boy and the man sprint away—but, unlike those of the watchful farmers, these eyes betrayed no fear at the approaching convoy.
The eyes belonged to a concealed, perfectly still form hidden amid the tall grass near a shallow stream at the edge of the farm. It was a sniper, clad from head to toe in a tan and green ghillie suit.  The figure blended in perfectly with the mix of dried-out cornstalks and green rushes on a rise near the stream. Only a small hint of red showed from a handkerchief tied to the buttstock of a precision sniper rifle.”

Enter for a chance to win some fun swag!

Click the picture at left, or cut-n-paste this URL into your browser:
Lone wolf patriot and Marine Corps officer Tyce Asher assembles a ragtag team of long-haul truckers and citizen-soldiers to save America from Russian invaders in H. Ripley Rawlings’s second installment in his acclaimed Tyce Asher thriller series…

The United States has been invaded. The Russians have seized control. Now US Marine hero Tyce Asher has one final mission–to make America free again–in this explosive series from Lt. Col. Hunter “Rip” Ripley Rawlings IV…

America is under new management. Russian forces have occupied both coasts. They are taking our weapons, pillaging our resources, and destroying our nation. Those who resist are swiftly punished. Those who revolt are savagely killed…



“Exploding with action, Lt. Col. Rip Rawlings’s rapid-fire thriller, Assault by Fire, is a must read!” Mark Greaney, #1 New York Times bestselling author of One Minute Out

“Direct from his own combat experiences, Marine Lt. Col. Rip Rawlings brings the heat and fire to life. Marc Cameron, New York Times bestselling author

“Combat vet Rip Rawlings is a bang-up storyteller.” —Capt. Dale Dye USMC (Ret.), author and filmmaker

Rip Rawlings writes from experience, and blasts the reader straight into the fight and never lets up.” —New York Times bestselling author Larry Bond

Let’s connect
Semper Fi,

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Rip Rawlings Author

41 Madison Ave
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New YorkNY 10010-2202


  1. Ben on September 16, 2021 at 4:07 pm

    Sure like your book “Assault by Fire”.

  2. Hunter Rawlings on September 17, 2021 at 11:36 am

    Thank you, next one’s coming out very soon. The Kill Box. I think you’ll really enjoy it.

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